David L. Johnson wrote:
Mark Kortink wrote:
Hi, I use a mathematical convention where when I want to show the set of all maps from X to Y I superscript X in front of Y (see below), as opposed to the more usual Y followed by superscript X. The problem is the X "binds" to the wrong character. I notice a little box around the characters that will get bound. Is there a way to tell Lyx which characters to bind.

How would you do this in TeX?  ISTR a discussion of this a long time ago,
In LyX, you just type \{ inside the math editor. This insert
an empty group. Move the cursor past that, then insert the

For how to do this in TeX, do a File->Export->LaTeX from LyX,
and look at what you get. If using LyX 1.5, try view->source.
I get: $A={}^{X}Y$

The smart-ass answer would be to change your notation...
Well, TeX should be able to typeset anything. :-/

Helge Hafting

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