I appreciate the help very much. I think it might have gotten me closer to
a clean install, but there were still a few complications. I sincerely hope
that this message does not trouble those that are uninterested, and I'll
direct future discussion directly only to Uwe if desired. (Again, I'm new
here, just trying to get it right - and doing my best to be diligent.)
The MiKTeX DOS windows did as you said - opened and then closed - and I let
them. Good.
The LyX pop-up instructions for the GSView installer indicate that you'll
need to choose a language, but I was not offered a language choice in
GSView. I had been previously asked to choose a language for LyX itself,
but that was different. I don't think this is an actual problem, just a note.
The JabRef installer appeared to run just fine, created a desktop icon and
everything, and happily closed. Then a LyX installer pop-up said that
JabRef could not be installed properly, so I should try again later. The
LyX installer went along fine after that. JabRef is clearly on the machine
and working. Was this just a LyX installer erroneous pop-up?
When asked if I wanted to update MiKTeX before starting LyX, I said Yes and
used the default repository. The download stalled at some point in the
process (> 5 minutes), so I quit and tried to update again by the shortcut
in the Start Menu. I used a USA repository and it worked.
Upon first start-up of LyX, the configuration did indeed take a very long
time... over 25 minutes. It hung up a lot "checking for" various
document/docbook classes and packages. Many of them completed with a "no"
and many did not return a response at all (the "..." just stayed there and
it went on to the next one).
At the end, the command line read "lyx: Disabling LyX socket." and the
cursor returned to a new line. It stayed there for over 10 minutes, so I
hit "close" and I got an error and LyX terminated.
LyX will start up, and I opened the LaTeXconfig.lyx and most "Found"
entries are "???".
So, things aren't working. I still want this to work and I'm not sure what
I'm doing wrong. I closed all other programs, have an open, fast internet
connection... What to do?
At 08:05 PM 8/23/2007 +0200, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Dave Hewitt schrieb:
I downloaded the latest LyxWinInstaller (complete) and attempted to
install on a WinXP machine (fairly new, plenty or memory and speed,
etc.). At a couple points in the installation a DOS window popped up, did
something that seemed to take only a short time, but then stayed there
and wouldn't close. The installer was halted during this time. For each
window I just waited a while and then closed it.
Don't do this! The first two DOS-Windows are opened by MiKTeX - the
LaTeX-distribution that is installed with the complete installer. They
should only stay for some seconds and then be closed automatically.
When the installer shows you the message that "The following configuration
of LyX will take a while" then a Console window pops up showing you the
effort of the configuration. When you have an open internet connection,
missing LaTeX-packages needed by LyX will be downloaded and installed what
can take some Minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. The
console window shows you what LaTeX-package is currently installed to
inform you about the progress.
To get a clean installation, uninstall LyX completely will all progtrams
that the unistaller offers to uninstall. Reinstall LyX afterwards (with an
open internet connection if possible).
When you had already MiKTeX installed before you installed LyX and it was
version MiKTeX 2.4.xxxx, uninstall also MiKTeX before you reinstall LyX.
When you still have problems, report me at which position in the console
window the installation fails or stops (screenshot of the console window
would be fine).
regards Uwe