I'd start with koma-script. Use Book or report.

Look at this post which passed recently:
Re: Layout for Jura / Law PhD Thesis

Any the link there gives you a idea:

- Face page must have:
    - Title
    - Author
    - Doctural thesis made in Bla bla University of bla bla
    - Professors that oriented the project
This one is easy.
Title => environment "title"
Author => author
Doctural thesis made in Bla bla University of bla bla AND Professors that oriented the project => publishers, hit CTRL+ENTER each time you want a new line and all will go in the same environment.

- Quotations must be (Author, year, page)
I do this kind with Natbib which can be choosen in document settings. For each citation enter the pages in the box for "text, after"

- There must be three Abstract pages (one in Portuguese, other in
English and other in French)
Did you try a new page in the abstract environment?

Good luck. Don't be shy to come back for more questions.


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