Are you using MikTex and, if so, have you the latest version? If I am not 
wrong, the problem you mention disappeared with the last version.

You may also want to take a look at this thread:


Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Steven Truong wrote:
I downloaded both installers and after enough uninstallation of one
version and trying another version, I am about to give up.

I also followed this discussion in

and run this

c:\program files\lyx15\resources> ..\python\python.exe

After executing this command, a small window popped up and said "the
required file blah blah blah is missing ...", I then clicked OK to
install the missing pieces.  After that, the whole thing hung or
refused to continue and the last thing I could see on the terminal

+  checking for ec support in Latex format ... yes

I had waited for roughly 1/2 hour on a laptop 1.8 GHz with 512 MB of
RAM (currently firefox is running with 2 tabs).

This same problems also happened on my other 2 PCs (very new and even
dual core), so I do not think my computers are slow or anything.

Please help because this is really frustrating.
Thank you.

Ignore what follows if you're not using MikTeX.

I'm not sure if this is your problem, but there have been installation failures relating to MikTeX's attempts to install packages. During the installation script, LyX looks for a variety of common (?) LaTeX packages. Very few of these packages are actually essential, and as far as I know the essential ones are all part of the base MikTeX installation.

When a package is not installed, MikTeX will react in one of three ways, depending on how a particular MikTeX option is set: it may automatically attempt to download and install the package; it may ask for permission to download and install; or it may ignore the missing package. LyX will interpret the third option as the package not being installed, which is correct and causes no problem. The difficulty occurs with the first option (automatic download), or possibly with the second option if permission to download is granted. If the selected MikTeX repository is offline or possibly out of synch, or if the user's Internet connection is slow (or worse yet turned off), the download can fail (or take forever), and the installation script in turn fails. It may also fail if MikTeX is set to install from a local disk drive and the drive is unready (empty CD drive, for instance).

If this is the problem, the resolution is straightforward. Run MikTeX's "Settings" application, go to the package installation section of the general tab, and select 'no' for installation on the fly. Then run the LyX configuration script again. If it runs successfully and LyX starts, feel free to change the MikTeX setting back to 'yes' or 'ask me'.


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