Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
My content is organized by numbered verses.

I want my footnotes to be numbered for the first footnote in the verse plus the letter "a". And the superscript would just be a lowercase letter. Then subsequent footnotes within the same verse would be the next alphabetical letter.

I guess I could modify \subsection to not add a newline but just let the content follow it.

This would be like footnotes/sidenotes as often seen in a Holy Bible.
Here is an example (using random text generator):

1. Viverra, enim porttitor eros, sagittis leo^a, pretium cursus. In commodo nec, scelerisque a, diam. Etiam sit amet^b, purus. Quisque eu convallis tellus. Maecenas semper auctor. Aenean bibendum.

2. Nulla ligula felis, malesuada aliquet^a. In et ultrices posuere vehicula convallis viverra, cubilia Curae; Integer^b leo ac quam enim, euismod nulla dolor placerat^c id, tortor.

------- (footnotes here)-------

1a  Also see verse 96
 b  Mispelled in original.
2a  More details in book ...
 b  Original language had this as ...
 c  Also see verse 48

(That was just a random example.)

So to restate what I want: footnotes use numbers and letters starting with "a" on first footnote per verse. Second and later footnotes per verse are not numbered but use next letter alphabetically.

Any ideas or example code to do this?
I have ideas, but nto time to code it up.
First, look around and see if someone have done this already.
If not:
1. decide on how you number those verses. An enumeration
seems to fit better than "modified subsection", but use whatever you like.
2. Set up the footnote counter to be reset when the enumeration/subsection
counter increments. 3. print the enum/subsec counter along with the footnote counter
to get 1b, 3a, ...

If that is too hard, then I'd like to just use letters "a" ... "z" for my footnotes. (Hopefully, I don't have more than 26.)

I read that \footnote[num]{Text here.} only takes a number for [num].
Now this is much easier.  The footnote _counter_ is numeric always,
but latex have provisions for printing it either as
ordinary numbers, roman numbers, a to z or A to Z. Any latex
book should tell you how to change the appearance. There are also
various packages for styling footnotes.

Search the net for tips - and if you want to do some latex trickery from
time to time, get or borrow one of the recommended latex books.

Helge Hafting

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