On Thu, Jul 26, 2007, Jens Nellesen wrote: > > after updating from LyX 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 under CYGWIN with the > cygwin-setup-util lyx does not start anymore but the prompt returns > immediately. > > The same behaviour shows up if I try to start with the option "-dbg" .
Try typing "strace lyx-qtwin.exe" in a cygwin command shell. This often gives useful information. For example, if you are missing a needed dll (shared library), strace may give a popup window explaining what is missing. Of course, this suggestion might not help (depending on what the real problem is), but it is certainly worth a try. You can get similar information with "cygcheck /path/to/lyx-qtwin.exe", and then looking for dll's listed there that might be missing. ...dave case