Giuseppe Vitalone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, I use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{<name>} to add to the index a
> Chapter*. It works fine, but I noticed that the headings are wrong. For
> example, after the TOC I have an "introduction", and I added it to TOC with
> the command \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduzione}. In this way, the
> second page heading of Introduction doesn't report "Introdution", but
> "INDICE" (index)... how can I resolve? Here is my Latex preamble regarding
> fancyhdr:


I had the same problem and I'd like to know how to solve it too.
I know that if you change your Chapter* to Chapter it will work. Of course this 
is not what you want. 

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