Hellmut Weber wrote:
my master document contains ca. 20 child documents.
* Is there a quick and simple way (preferably with key combinations) to
open a child document?
I know to do it using the menu >>File >Open and then the file open dialog.
But that's a pain when I already have the name of the file in the
include button.
I seems that generating the pdf causes lyx to open all the child files.
There are tabs now for all of these.
That's for the moment my 'quickest and dirty' procedure (alt+v f ;-)
A quicker procedure: launch the "Insert Reference" dialog 'Alt-i r'
I agree we should have an LFUN and a menu item for that.
* With more than 4-5 child documents the tabs list is more and more
'expensive' to be used )ctrl+up / ctrl+down to switch on to the left /
Ideally I would like to have a key combination to pop up a list of all
include files in which I can navigate with the up and down keys.
Shall I file an enhancement request?
'Alt-v up-arrow' will put you at the end of the open document list.
Looking at all this new features and functionality I'm very lucka with
lyx ;-)