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Subject: Re: Glossary Date: Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007 13:46 From: Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Am Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007 10:44 schrieb Valter Filipe Silva: > Hello, > > > Could you give me more details about using indexing for implement the > glossary? > Thanks > > Valter Valter, I used the indexing just as an easy way to pick out the words in my document which I want to put in the glossary. There might be better ways, and certainly better informed people around! This is the procedure: 1-Go through the document and put the cursor immediately behind the word you want to use in the glossary. Press first alt_i, than d (a shortcut for Insert>Index-Entry): This produces a grey box idx behind the selected item. Clicking on it shows the content (note that you have to add by hand if the item consists of e.g. two words -or you remove the space between the two words before indexing and put it in again afterward (same in the idx-box). 2-Go to the place where your index (and later the glossary) should occur, e.g. before the bibliography. insert>list/TOC>index list you won´t see anything in the index list yet. 3-export your file file>export>latex(plain) run three times latex yourDocument.tex the output contains: No file yourDocument .ind. No file yourDocument.bbl. but a file yourDocument.idx is produced 4-run makeindex produces yourDocument.ind Have a look with a normal editor It shows e.g. \begin{theindex} \item BibTeX, 1 \indexspace \item inset, 1 \end{theindex} yourDocument.ind (END) 5- use this as the basis for your glossary. For the glossary see: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/glossary/?filename=macro s/latex/contrib/glossary/&action=/tools/cataloguesearch&catstring=glossary -------------------------------------------------------