Hi Steve,
do i understand correctly that you arre looking for a possibility to
define  sort of "LyX internal scripts"?

In that case go to $LYXDIR (/usr/local/share/lyx in my installation) and
have a look at the bind files (e.g. grep for 'command sequence') to get
an idea what to do.

If I remember some of your contibutions correctly you know how to bind
'something' to a key stroke ;-)

Additionally in the doc directory you find the 'reference.lyx' manual.
I found that very helpful, although it seems partially not fully up to date.

I'd like to make some LyX commands, bound to keystrokes, that accomplish several things -- a sort of script.

For instance, I want a function to produce a new line in a math array* thing, and place \qquad\text in the last of the four. I can then bind that to a hotkey and instantly create new equation lines.



PS excuse me that you get this message twice, I wanted to send it to the list, but I was to quick using the reply button which sent it to you directly

Dr. Hellmut Weber         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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