On Fri, 8 Jun 2007, Robert Poser wrote:
Hoffe ich bin hier richtig... nachdem ich meine Studienarbeit mit WinEdt
geschrieben habe, möchte ich nun den Lyx Editor in Windows nutzen. Bei
der Installation der Version 1.5 rc1 kam jedoch ein Hinweis, das der
Link zu dem Wörterbuch nicht funktioniert. Kann mir jemand konkret
sagen, wie man nachträglich die Aspell Wörterbücher installieren kann?
Im Netz gibts ne ganze Menge Tipps, bisher geklappt hat davon leider
keiner... vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hi Robert,
The users' list is supposed to be in English, so please do that.
Your problem has been reported before and I'm going to look at it.
However, I'd like some details on the error.
I assume this was with Windows? Which type of Windows?
Is your Windows setup with German language etc?
Which installer did you try? (Please give me a link to the installer you
used - there are several installers, which unfortunately can cause
Could you tell me when the error occured? I.e., what steps did you take
before you encountered the error?
Did the error happen while installing Aspell, or while installing a
dicitionary for Aspell?
What was the error message? (Exactly if you can, because then I can search
the code to see where the error is triggered).
Best regards,
Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr