Dear LyXers, I know this is begging for a "go RTFM" answer, but being the lazy pig I am:
I would like to make use of 'tagging' single words in my text as being "source code" or "keywords" etc (without making use of the of ERT \begin{lstlistings) etc.). In the cua.bind there is a C-P shortcut binding for toggeling \texttt{your text here} which is pretty much what I want, but with a little more 'meaning' then. Question: 1. Is there a possilbe (hacky) solution to create textclasses without making a latex package? (like abusing \newcommand in the preamble and make a macro or so?) and make a lyx-binding keyboard binding to it? 2. If I really _have to_, suppose I had created my costum package and install it, how can I make a keyboard binding to it? Could somebody of you lyx-wizards come up with a shortcut from sparing me to go through the vast amounts of documentation ? Thank you very much in advance Jakob