You could probably create a macro for it, which would make the input
much easier --- you would only need to use the ERT once, when creating
the macro. (I haven't use the SIunits package, maybe it's simple enough
to use that macros are not even necessary; but if you find yourself
typing a lot of ERT over and over again, it may be helpful).
To learn about how to create and use macros in math, see the User Guide,
Section 5.6. I think there's been quite a bit of development regarding
math macros going on lately, I'm not sure though how much of it is
already in the beta versions.
Good luck!
Steed, Robert J wrote:
I think that its working. I have to use ERT to do it, right?
Thanks for the speedy reply.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Larsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 30/05/2007 15:40
To: Steed, Robert J
Subject: Re: Physical units
I use the SIunits package for latex to do all my units. It is a bit
cumbersome until you get the hang of it but then works great. I just
include it in the LyX preamble, here is what I use in the preamble for
%%%%%%%%%%%%% new commands using SIunits.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
On 5/30/07, Steed, Robert J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm starting to write my thesis in Lyx and it so happens that I need to
use microns(?) in my physical units alot. But I can't get a non-italic ? in
math mode. Unicode doesn't seem to work either I get error messages:
Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:? not set up for use with LaTeX.
Does anyone know what I should do?
I'm using lyx-1.5.0beta3 and miktex on winxp.