Deane Harder wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to have a star symbol (*) as a footnote symbol rather than
> numbers (because I use superscript numbers for literature citings). From
> an earlier posting I've learned that
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@textsuperscript{*}} in the preamble would do
> the trick. Which it does - as indicator in the main text. The footnote,
> however, still has a number '1' as symbol. I use the Mac version of Lyx
> and have tried it with 1.4.4 as well as 1.5 beta 3. What am I missing
> here?
> Thanks
> Deane Harder

\usepackage[symbol]{footmisc} in the preamble. 

Look the footmisc package. It gives a lot of options for footnotes.


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