I filed the bug and added some hints on the use of booktabs in the Wiki at http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/Tables#toc16. The uploaded example file is the file provided by Jürgen.

Many thanks again,
-- Christian

On Fri, 25 May 2007, Christian Liesen wrote:

Many thanks!

The manuals should be corrected. For LyX 1.4.x (http://wiki.lyx.org/uploads/LyX/LyXDevelDocumentation/EmbeddedObjects.pdf), the manual states on page 25 that the \bottomrule command needs a separate, empty row.

The manual for Lyx 1.5.x says nothing on this.

I'll add something about this to the Wiki.

Could you file a bugzilla bug for the problem with the manual?

Best regards,

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