I have experienced several times, that Lyx itself creates errors in latex code.
I suddenly have errors in the middle of simple text and the conversion of the
document to anything else fails. Also sometimes when opening a document it gets
truncated and only a tiny part of it gets displayed.
1.) If it is possible, how can i prevent lyx from making coding errors (my
documents contains a few images, references and formulas, but nothing more
complicated than that)?
2.) If there is an error, how do i get lyx/tex to convert, what it can even if
the result is ugly, instead of refusing to convert anything at all?
3.) Till now, i have always resolved such errors by randomly switching between
versions of lyx or exporting as latex and reimporting or uninstall/reinstall
while choosing all options different than with last install or things like
that. When worst case happens and i am unable to continue my work in lyx, how
do i convert to open office (especially, how do i convert something that throws
latex errors to open office) (there is an export function, but that one always
silently fails, in addition it needs a latex run)
Thank you!
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