Charles de Miramon wrote:
Marc Flerackers wrote:

I would like to put my introduction section in the TOC, but without it
having a number, as otherwise my section numbers start from 2. I tried
using section*, but then the section doesn't show up in the TOC, and the
headers show the wrong section name. The closest I managed to get to
what I want is to use {\setcounter{section}{-1}} so that my sections
start at 1, but now introduction obviously is "0 Introduction". Is there
a better way to achieve this?

Thank you,

Make your Introduction a starred section and below it enter this as a LaTeX
inset :

I tried this, but the header is empty in that case. To get the header working I tried \sectionmark{Introduction} but then I get "0 Introduction" in the header

Thank you,

Marc Flerackers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Software Engineer
WetenschapsPark 4
B-3590 Diepenbeek - Belgium
Phone:+32(0)11-301330 Fax:+32(0)11-301331

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