some days ago I had a problem with backreferencing from the bibliography
[1]. I solved it putting a "\" before problematic characters like "&" or
"#". No I have discovered that when running ps2pdf or displaying a
postscript the "\" will be printed in the URL. Another user has also
reported the problem [3] where someone pointed to the bug no. 449 [4].
The same problems described with footnotes applies also for urls in
bibtex. Since I use natbib the solution offered in [5] doesn't help and
JabRef wouldn't even accept something like:
My question is therefore:
How can I put in these "problematic" URLs in a manner that I will be
able to run both pdflatex & dvips/ps2pdf and get the URLs set like they
should be pasted in the browser?
One workaround could be to use hyperref also with ps2pdf ut then long
links wouln't be breaken across lines.
Any help is greatly appreciated since I don't really know anymore how to
get around this.
Thanks in advance,
[1] [SOLVED] Re: using pdflatex with pagebackref option -
[2] example:
in Bibtex/ URLS in footnotes
in PDF (ps2pdf)
[3] hash in URL - http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.general/19633
[4] special characters %, #, ^, \ not handled when used in URL inset
[5] Problems with citations and URL -