On Friday 18 May 2007 06:53, Daniel Lohmann wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:
> > Oh never mind, I already solved this problem and forgot I'd solved it. I
> > made the title LyX environment with a LatexType of command, and had that
> > command set a variable, and then the box text environment used that
> > variable.
> Steve,
> Would you mind sharing the relevant parts of your layout file / preamble
> for this? I am just trying to get something like this working for my
> thesis.
> Thanks!
> Daniel

Hi Daniel,

I've put it in the body of this email below my sig. Let me explain:

I've named the two LyX environments CalloutTitle and CalloutText. CalloutTitle 
has latextype "command", and calls the LaTeX command callouttitleL, which 
simply sets command callouttitleT to the text to which CalloutTitle was 
applied. The LyX parameters of LyX environment CalloutTitle are set to an 
appropriately big font etc, so it shows up realistically in the LyX GUI.

LyX environment CalloutText is applied to the text of the centered box. Its 
latextype is Environment, and it calls LaTeX environment callouttextL. Its 
LyX parameters are set to make it narrower than the body text.

That brings us to LaTeX command callouttextL, which does most of the work.

CalouttextL prints its contents within a shaded box (\begin{shaded}). As 
mentioned, this shaded box is contributed by package framed. I basically tore 
this environment out of the layout of my 2001 book "Troubleshooting 
Techniques of the Successful Troubleshooter",  so bear in mind that it was 
written by a (then) LyX newbie.

Using package framed, callouttextL moves the box up .45 inch to narrow what 
would otherwise be its oceanic separation from the text above, then sets 4pt 
margins within the highlighted box, defines the box's background color, then 
starts the box.

Within the box it center-Large prints the contents of callouttitleT, which is 
the title stored by LyX environemnt CalloutTitle. It then raggedrights and 
creates a rather large 16 point paragraph indentation. That concludes the 
environment initialization.

Then the text to which CalloutText has been applied prints within the box and 
styles declared in the initialization.

The environment is finalized by ending the shaded box, and then starting a new 
paragraph so the first paragraph of the next text doesn't start within the 
shaded box.



Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware


#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{mybook}

Input stdclass.inc
Input numreport.inc

\usepackage{framed}%         Frames for notes, tips, etc

% ### Callout title and text latex



Style CalloutTitle
        Series  Bold
        Size Larger
LatexName       callouttitleL
LatexType       Command
  Align                 Center

Style CalloutText
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             callouttextL
  LeftMargin            MMMMMM
  RightMargin           MMMMMM
  ParIndent             MMM
  TopSep                1.4
  ItemSep               0.7
  ParSep                0.7
  BottomSep             0.7
  Align                 Block
  AlignPossible         Block

   Series               Medium
   Size                 Normal
   Shape                Italic

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