Steve Litt wrote:
> On Friday 11 May 2007 15:09, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> Steve Litt wrote:
> This didn't work for me. Here's a tiny LaTeX file incorporating it:
> %====================================
> \documentclass[12pt]{book}
> \begin{document}
> mysize is \mysize
> \end{document}
> %====================================
> When I try to compile it, here's what happens:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] vimfacts]$ latex junk2.tex
> [snip]
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> \mysize ->\f 
>              @size
> l.7 mysize is \mysize
> ?
> Any ideas what I should do?

Otherwise, LaTeX parses this:
as if it were:
    \newcommand{\mysize}{\f @size} %note the space after '\f'
since '@' isn't ordinarily a `letter', that is, something that can occur
as part of a command name. You always have to use
\makeatletter--\makeatother in the preamble when using @-commands. You
do NOT have to do this in .cls and .sty files. Note that this means that
you also need the \makeatletter--\makeatother pair in Preamble sections
of LyX layouts.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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