Michael Beckmann wrote:
Dear Lyx users,

Since I installed version 1.5 beta2 on my Ubuntu 7.04 system all bibtex keys seem to be de-capitalized in lyx.
The bibtex database is ok and shows keys with capital letters.
I use Jabref to push the citations directly to lyx which means that a key with a capital letter is pushed to lyx (e.g. Elton1958). When I open the citation dialogue I cannot change the citation style of the citation as the key seems to be not present in the list (there: elton1958). It is possible to remove the Elton1958 key and replace it by the elton1958. After that the citation style can be changed again, however that makes the push to lyx function kind of ridiculous :-)

Any ideas on this one?

This bug has been fixed just after the beta2 release. Beta3, due this week, will not have it.


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