Dear Users and Developers,
I use Lyx for Windows.
When a child document included in the main one has been changed, its dvi
view must be updated from the main document. It is an old issue that
this does not work unless one restarts Yap or Lyx again. Until now a
workaround was that one made some artificial changes in the main
document, and this induced the update process. However, it appears that
this no longer works with Lyx 1.4.4 and the last available version of
Latex and Yap. The first trial to update a child document leads to a
Python-connected error message ("An error occurred whilst running python
-tt 'C:/Program Files/Lyx14/Resources/scrip'") the second trial invokes
the error message "An empty output file was produced" followed by a
Latex error saying that "I cannot write on 'the name of the main document'".
Very-very fortunately, the update process works now with the .ps view.
However, .dvi view would be the most important view. I think it would be
inevitable to solve this main doc--child docs update issue as Lyx is
apparently meant to produce long and difficult documents. Please help.
It would be a nice present in the new version 1.5 to have this old
problem solved.
With best wishes and many thanks in advance.
Gyorgy Pota
Dr. Gyorgy Pota
associate professor
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Debrecen
H-4010 Debrecen, P. O. Box 7,
Tel.: (36) 52-512-900****22383
Fax: (36) 52-512-915
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