is there a way to modify the default font for a table? it would be nice to change the font settings in two different ways.

(1) a latex command in the preamble so that the font size and style would be consistent for the entire document, regardless of what appears on the screen in lyx

(2) a way to change the table font size and style that doesn't require clicking the "apply last" or "Text Style" buttons. in particular, if i create a table (say 5 x 5), then the empty cells have the default document font for standard text. i can highlight all the cells in the table and change the font with options in the Text Style window. however, this only works if a cell already contains text. also, if i delete all the text in a cell, then the custom font that reverts back to the standard. i could wait until i've completed the table before making a final change to the font, but it would be great to be able to set this once, especially since i often add columns or rows to the table and then have to go back to fix the font size and style so it matches the rest of the table.

i'm really interested in a solution to number 2.

in an attempt to come up with a work around, i've tried creating a custom bind for the "apply last" command, which seems to be font-free- apply. however, i've been unsuccessful in getting this to work. any suggestions for this?


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