>>Old-Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 00:15:55 -0700
>>From: Robin Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>Subject: weird eps to pdf conversion problem
>>X-UCD-Spam-Score: 1.947 (*) BAYES_00,RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL
>>Hi there,
>>I originally generated eps files using Matlab, and when I embed them in 
>>my lyx document, everything is great when I convert it into a pdf.  
>>Unfortunately, the original eps files were way too large, so I had to 
>>find a way to compress them (decreased resolution and then rasterized 

If you turn the figure into a bitmap, you could do it from Matlab by
creating a png rather than an eps.
Of course, eps is better as it is vectorized, so it is better to
stick to vectorization in the pdf result.

>>This resulted in the new eps file's bounding box becoming way too 
>>large.  I manually edited them so that the bounding box fits the image 
>>better, and it looks fine in GSView. When I insert it in my lyx 
>>document, it looks fine too in the preview.  When I go to convert it to 
>>a pdf, though, it results in some sort of overlapping problem where the 
>>figure seems to have much more whitespace and this whitespace obscures 
>>other figures/text around it.  Any hints on how I can fix this?

You may try the ps2eps converter (converts eps to eps as well): it
fixes the bounding box.


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