This is what I have done:
1. Everything before \appendix I left they way it was
2. I copied the LaTeX code that created fancy headers just after \appendix
3. I added \makeatletter just before this LaTeX code, changed \chaptername
with [EMAIL PROTECTED], and added \makeatother right after the LaTeX code
The headers work exactly the way I wanted them to. But the page numbering
restarted with Appendix A.
Is there something else I need to add to keep the sequential page numbering.
Thank you
It looks like in book.cls, anyway, you can replace \chaptername with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] You will need to surround the code with
I think. You may also run into a problem if you have chapters after your
appendix. If you do have a problem, just put:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in ERT before your next chapter. That'll
need the same surrounding, too.
LB wrote:
There is one problem with this solution that I just noticed. The header
in Appendix A would say Chapter A. Is there a way to modify the coder to
correct this?
Thank you
LB wrote:
I have more of a latex question but I'm hoping that somebody would
know the answer.
I'm using Lyx 1.4.3 on Windows XP. The document I'm writing is in Book
I'm writing a large document with a few chapters, sections and
appendices. What I would like is to have a chapter name, section name
or appendix name appear on the top of the page.
For example if the current page is from "Chapter 1 Title of chapter 1"
then on the top of the pages in this chapter I'd like to see "1 Title
of chapter 1". As soon the reader reaches "Section 1.1 Title of
section 1.1" the header would change to "1.1 Title of section 1.1"
I'd like appendices to be handled like chapters. BTW to create
appendix I have in ERT \appendix and then all subsequent chapters
become appendices.
I found the following code:
What follows marks only the left-hand (odd) pages, and does nothing if
you're using single-sided.
\ \thechapter.\ #1}{}}
So you probably want either:*
* \markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}{\chaptername\
\thechapter.\ #1}}
if you're doing double-sided, or:
\markright{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}
if you're not.
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ %
\fancyhf{} % remove everything
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove lines as well
which does put the section names in the header but it does not put
chapter names nor appendix names in the header. How can I modify this
to include chapter names in the headers?
Thank you very much
Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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