Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

I know how to send the contents of the starred sectioning commands
in the table of contents, but is there a magic to do the same  in the running
headers ?

I don't know if there's a way to do it automagically. LaTeX calls \sectionmark (I think) automatically when it hits a numbered section, and not when it hits an unnumbered section. You can put \markright{The Name of the Starred Section} in ERT at the start of each starred section (clunky, but seems to work). You may need to insert some font stuff in the argument to \markright.

If there's a LaTeX command to access the heading argument of the most recent \section* command (probably is, but I don't know it), you could use that inside \markright (and define the combination as some new command in the preamble, to automate things a bit). You might even redefine the \section* command to invoke both your \markright thing and the old \section* command.

All of which means there's probably a slicker way out there.


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