Hi, I would like to obtain pdf files with exactly the same fonts look of this pdf: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~alanb/scshort.pdf (from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~alanb/ ) After some searching I discovered that this pdf uses the cm* series of fonts, which should be the computer modern serie. For example the cmti10 (computer modern text italics size 10) is "embedded subset". This is the same for every other cm* font embedded (see file, document properties, fonts in acrobat reader). I don't really know how to proceed. I experimented with various combinations in document, settings, fonts but was unable to replicate the look. Selecting computer modern didn't solve the issue. If I look with acrobat reader to my document I discover that F15, F45, and other F* are embedded too. And also the Helvetica font. I'm using lyx 1.5.0 beta for windows. Thank you a lot in advance for any help.
Best Regards Stefano