Well, I erased all things in the user directory that Lyx created, and then run
the command line you gave me, and it outputs the following message on DOS
C:\Python20>python.exe c:\LyX14\Resources\configure.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\LyX14\Resources\configure.py", line 49, in ?
def writeToFile(filename, lines, append = False):
NameError: There is no variable named 'False'
And then, I checked back, if by this way, was created the Lyx user directory
again, but it does not created it. What seems to be the matter within?
This is a Python error. The "def ..." line matches line 49 in
configure.py on my system, which works. The problem may be that your
version of Python is too old. I notice that the directory is
"C:\Python20". I have Python 2.3 installed, and LyX ships with a
stripped version of Python 2.5. Try this experiment again, but use
C:\LyX14\python\python.exe. If that works, either upgrade your Python
installation or put the LyX Python directory on the LyX path prefix.