Hellmut Weber wrote:
> * The Euro symbol can be entered into LyX and is shown in the GUI. The
> symbol which is shown in the pdf dokument (generated with pdflatex) is
> not the official one, as offered by the eurosym package for example. Can
> I change this?

We prefer the textcomp solution, because it uses the euro symbol from the 
current font, if available.

You can do something like

> * Insertion of a protected blank does not work as expected.
> Before I could insert it with the keys 'ctrl+space'. This does not work.

Works here (with cua.bin).
Please post the output of lyx-dbg key.

> In the english cua.bind file (which I use) there is a line
> \bind "C-S-space"               "protected-space-insert"
> but 'ctrl+shift+space' doesn't work either, and additionally there is no
> item in the menu 'Insert >special characters' for the protected blank
> any more (in lyx-1.3.7 it was there, although indicating the not working
> key combination 'C-S-space')

It's now in the menu Insert->Formatting (since LyX 1.4.0).

> * Moving the cursor wordwise (using the keys ctrl+right / ctrl+left)
> puts the cursor in either case to the beginning of the word. Which is in
> contrast to the behaviour in lyx-1.3.7 which made the cursor jump to the
> end of the word when going to the right and to the beginning of the word
> when going to the left. And which is what I woiuld like to see again.

We have discussed this. Seems that the consensus was to leave it as it is now 
(because it's the default in most other apps), but consider punctuation 

> * In cua.bind there are two definitions for key combinations to
> increment resp. decrement the depth of a paragraph:
> \bind "M-S-Right"               "depth-increment"
> \bind "M-S-Left"                "depth-decrement"
> They dont work for me.

Also not in a list (itemize, for instance)?

> * Moving the cursor with the Up and Down keys over paragraphs of
> different format (itemize, standard, section, etc.) makes it loose the
> 'logical position'.
> Once put at the end of the line moving inside a standard paragraph the
> cursor jumps to the end of the next (or preceding) line when moved with
> Up and Down.

works for me.

> * In lyx-1.3.7 there was the possibility to copy the layout of a
> paragraph which I used quite frequently. It was defined by the following
> lines in the cua.bind file:
> \bind "C-S-C"                 "layout-copy"
> \bind "C-S-V"                 "layout-paste"
> Has this feature been abolished explicitly? 


> I would like to see it again. 

It was implemented badly.

> * Working with a parent and several child documents, it seems that a
> change in one of the child documents is noted when producing the pdf
> output te next time only, if all lyx file concerned have been opened in
> the same lyx instance.

This should not happen. Please send more information on this.


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