Gary wrote:

I'm writing my thesis using lyx.
I'm not exactly sure what class to use. The problem is this:
If I use the book class, the top level sectioning environment is chapter and the numbering of the equations inherit the chapter number. Equation's on chapter 1 will be numbered: 1.1, 1.2 ... and on chapter 2 they will be numbered: 2.1, 2.2... This is good. However this is not really a book and I don't want the word "Chapter" to apear in begining of each chapter. I'm more comfortable with the article class where the top level is Section. But then the equations don't inherit the section number. They are simply numbered 1,2,3...

Add to the preamble:


This ought to work; it's what works for the amsart class.


David L. Johnson

Some people used to claim that, if enough monkeys sat in front of enough
typewriters and typed long enough, eventually one of them would
reproduce  the collected works of Shakespeare.  The internet has
proven this not to be the case.

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