> What do you mean that the numbering is okay for the list of tables? Do
> you mean that both the right page appears and that no numbering appears
> on the first page?
> I think in order for me to help you, I would need you to get the images
> in the right location. Otherwise I can't tell if the problem is because
> LyX is not running latex enough, or something else. Are your two
> compouters networked? If so, then you can use the rsync command to keep
> the images always up-to-date on both computers. Let me know if you want
> to know how to do this. However, I would strongly suggest you rename all
> of your files so that there is no space in them. That will save you a
> lot of headaches later on, and might save you some headaches right now. 
> One trick you could do right now is copy an existing jpg file to the one
> that is missing. So if you run latex and it complains it can't find
> ElementTable2.jpg, find an image it can find, and then just copy that
> file to ElementTable2.jpg. That way latex will be able to run
> sucessfully. Just remember to delete these bogus files after we are done
> with our test! Make sure you make a list of what bogus files you are
> creating. 
> Paul

Hi Paul, 
  Sorry for the delay in replying.  So, I got the thesis exported in
LaTex on my Mac with all the images etc.  I ran it 5-6 times, and I am
still not getting anything different.  Here is what I have.  Pages i-iv
are fine.  Page v is the first page of the TOC, and it is un-numbered,
as it should be.  Page vi is the 2nd page of the TOC and it is now
numbered, as it should be.  Here is the problem.  Page vii is the LOT,
which is one page and isnt numbered, as it should be.  BUT, in the TOC
listing, it is shown as starting on page vi(which is actually the 2nd
page of the TOC).  Then page viii, the first Page of the LOF, is
numbered(which it shouldnt be) and is listed as starting on page
vii(which is wrong).  The second page of the LOF is numbered ix, which
it should be.  So thats what I have from running it in LaTex. And I ran
it several times like you said..  I can attach any text you think will
help or that you will like to see since I now have the LaTex file and
can run it on my Mac.(The linux version has alot of issues with images
and file extension names, so that will take some time for me to go
through and manually change them...)
Thanks again, 

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