OK. We'll modify apalike.bst. (I'm assuming that apalike is otherwise
OK, and therefore that the formatting of the author field, etc, is as
you would want it. If you want to start with something else, you can do
that, too.) Copy apalike to apalikemod.bst, put this in your local TeX
tree, run texhash, and then edit as follows.

We're going to need to add a field for the retrieval date and the url.
Let's call them "retrieved" and "url" and add them to the ENTRY section
of the .bst file. (That's right at the beginning.)

We're going to define two new BibTeX types for the online periodical and
online document: Let's call them "oarticle" and "odocument". (Change the
names if you like.) Add this to the .bst file:

FUNCTION {oarticle}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors "author" output.check
  author format.key output                              % special for
  output.year.check                                     % apalike
  format.title "title" output.check
  journal emphasize "journal" output.check
  "Retrieved " retrieved * ", from \url{" * url * "}" * output

FUNCTION {odocument}
{ output.bibitem
  author empty$
    { format.editors "author and editor" output.check
      editor format.key output
    { format.authors output.nonnull }
  output.year.check                             % special for apalike
  format.btitle "title" output.check
  "Retrieved " retrieved * ", from \url{" * url * "}" * output

Put these near the definition of FUNCTION{article} and the rest.

The former is modeled on the article entry type; the latter on book. So
the latter allows an editor and such, if you happen to have one. I've
removed the cross-reference stuff found in article and book, as that
shouldn't be relevant, as well as the note field.

Note that I haven't tested this, but it should work.

As for JabRef, open Options>Customize entry types. On the left, you will
see a list of entry types. Type "oarticle" in the box at the bottom and
click "Add". Add author, title, journal, and year as required fields.
Type "retrieved" in the box and click "Add", and do it again for "url".
Add whatever optional fields you want. Repeat the procedure for the
other new entry type, "odocument". These will not appear on the "New
article" menus, but they will appear on the menu you get by right
clicking on the entry type displayed along the left when you go to edit
one. So you can create a new one as whatever you like, right-click on
the entry type, and change it as you wish.


John Kane wrote:
> --- Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Do you want the "retrieved from" part and the date
>> you got it? I'm
>> looking at:
>>     http://www.apastyle.org/elecsource.html
>> If this isn't quite what you want, if you can just
>> give me two examples,
>> I can probably create the style.
>> Richard
> Yes. Here are a couple of examples. 
> http://ca.geocities.com/jrkrideau/LyX/bibtexexample.pdf
> The "Retrieved and "complete date" and "from" are
> needed.  The text "retreived" and "from" strike me as
> redundant but that's what APA likes.
> It would be nice to have the style.  Thanks
>> John Kane wrote:
>>> --- Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> The default BibTeX handling of pure-URL
>> references
>>>> is pretty lame. The
>>>> only real solution I've found is to add my own
>>>> format, or to modify an
>>>> existing one you're not otherwise using. (That
>> way
>>>> JabRef will still
>>>> handle the entry for you.) If you tell me what
>> you
>>>> want references of
>>>> this kind to look like, I can tell you what to
>> put
>>>> in your .bst file.
>>>> Richard
>>> Thank you Richard.  
>>> Have a look at
>>> http://www.apastyle.org/elecgeneral.html for
>> examples
>>> of what I would like to do.  
>>> APA goes into much wilder details[1] but for my
>>> purposes those two examples, On-line Periodical
>> and
>>> On-line Publication,would be just fine.  
>>> 1. The creator of Papyrus a great biblio system
>> for
>>> the older Macs claimed it was impossible to do a
>>> complete APA style reference list without errors.
>> I
>>> believe he felt the system was a bit picky and
>>> arbitrary. However the format is used by about
>> 1,000
>>> journals and is commonly used as the basis for a
>> lot
>>> of reports etc. And I grew up with it!
>>>> John Kane wrote:
>>>>> I have been trying to use JabRef to handle
>>>> references.
>>>>>  My first experiments have been fairly
>> successful
>>>> but
>>>>> I am wondering how people handle a URL
>> reference. 
>>>>> For example I have a reference to a website (
>> see
> http://ca.geocities.com/jrkrideau/LyX/burdett2004.pdf
>>>>> )  and I don't see quite how to set it up in
>>>> bibtex or
>>>>> JabRef to work.  It is rough version of an APA
>>>> format.
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> ==================================================================
>>>> Richard G Heck, Jr
>>>> Professor of Philosophy
>>>> Brown University
>>>> http://bobjweil.com/heck/
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> ==================================================================
>> Richard G Heck, Jr
>> Professor of Philosophy
>> Brown University
>> http://bobjweil.com/heck/
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Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
Get my public key from http://sks.keyserver.penguin.de
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