On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 22:25:30 +0100
Hellmut Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on an IBM Lenovo ThinkPad T60 with gentoo-Linux + KDE-3.5.6
> + tetex-3.0_p1-r3
> I'm still using LyX-1.3.7 because of the problems I have with some
> special characters like å, ç, accented Letters etc. in LyX-1.4.x.
> Some Questions:
> * Can I install LyX-1.5.0beta1 in parallel to LyX-1.3.7? (generating
> manually from the sources probably)

this might do it:
./configure  --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt4 --enable-optimization=-O3
--prefix=/usr/local --with-version-suffix=1.5.0b1

Read the INSTALL to get details on how to configure the flags for your purposes.
Or you may wish to do this in a chroot to be sure it behaves!

> * Is there a converter from the LyX file format 1.3.7 to 1.5.0.
> (Looking at them with vi there are some obvious differences...)

not sure

> * Is Qt4 needed for LyX-1.5.0?

I believe so.  When run, configure looked for this, and said "not found".  And 
when I installed qt4, it went perfectly.


- R


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