I think there's an easier way to do this. First, we want to make
ordinary citations into footnote citations. Try this:
Then insert your citations making sure you're doing it in the "(Author,
Year)" style, so that you get \citep. (Of course, you can also do it
other ways and change the \renewcommand, or have several different
ones.) Second, getting endnotes is trivial: Just
and jurabib will give you endnotes automagically (at least as of v.
0.51---see the docs). (If you need endnotes otherwise, of course you'll
need the \let\footnote=\endnote trick anyway.) Third, put
into the preamble, so you get full bibliographical info in the first
citation. (See the other choices, too.) As for the problem with ibidem,
this is controlled by jurabib options, too. It looks like you have
ibidem=name for some reason. You probably want ibidem=nostrict. Do you
have a jurabib.cfg that's setting this?

What's below is LaTeX not LyX, but it works and should be adaptable. Of
course, you'll have to change the citations to one of yours to get it
working for you.

The only trick here, then, is getting the footcite to work. It might be
worth filing an enhancement request to have that option added to the
bibliography dialog. Should be fairly simple to do, I'd suppose.

By the way, I tried \let\citep=\footcite and LaTeX choked. Anyone wanna
tell me why?


\usepackage[ibidem, citefull=first]{jurabib}[2004/01/25]


Hi \citep{Frege:AimCN}.

Hi \citep{Frege:AimCN}. Hi again \citep{Frege:AimCN}.




Paul Tremblay wrote:
> Can anyne help me with the jurabib package? I believe it is this
> package I need to use to get citations for a thesis in the style of
> the humanities.
> Specifically, I need to have my citations in endnotes. The first
> endnote would look like this:
> Plunket-Powell, Karen. Remembering Woolworth's. (New York: St. Martin's
> Press, 1999), 51.
> If the thesis cited Plunket-Powell for the next reference, but on page
> 52, it should look like this;
> ibid, 52.
> If the thesis then cited the same author and the same page, it should
> look like this:
> ibid.
> I have looked at the jurabib documentation and the most I can get get
> is for the ibids to come out like:
> Plunket-Powell ibid, 52.
> I don't need the author there. I am not having a problem getting the
> endnotes to work. (I could also use another package and simpy put the
> citation in an \endnote.)
> Paul
> PS Right now I have hacked the document to get it to work.
> \let\footnote=\endnote
> \newcommand{\Cite}[2][]{#2#1}
> % I will have many of these references
> \newcommand{\PlunketPowell}{Plunket-Powell, Karen. \emph{Remembering
> Woolworth's}. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999)}
> Then when I want to put in  citation, I tell LyX to insert a footnote,
> and use ert to type:
> \Cite[, pg 51.]{\PlunketPowell}
> In order to get ibid to work, I have to export the file to latex and
> then run a python script, which checks the preceding reference, and if
> it finds the same author, it uses ibid.
> I would feel better not having to hack the document this way,
> especially the part that uses the python script.

Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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