I changed those fonts on my Ubuntu system using the qt4 configuration
utility: qtconfig-qt4 which is in the package qt4-qtconfig (I assume
that is in Debian as well).
Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:46:08 +0100
From: Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Lyx 1.5.0 beta1 screen fonts antialiasing?
Shu Li wrote:
I don't know if that's the problem of QT4 or Lyx, or could I set some
preference to have the anti-aliasing back? Thank you.
My lyx 1.5 beta (on debian) does antialiasing.
Did you try something simple like tools->preferences->screen fonts?
Make sure lyx-1.5 uses exactly the same fonts as lyx-1.4.3 do.
Perhaps your xserver isn't capable of antialiasing all fonts, and
lyx-1.5 might install itself with bad defaults.
Do you have any other qt4 apps - do they get antialiased fonts?
Lyx 1.4.3 uses qt3, any qt3 setup you may have done will have
to be re-done for qt4 as well.
Same behaviour on my Debian Etch, where lyx-1.4.3 works fine.
Changing the Screen Fonts solves the problem for the document font, not
for the menu fonts (the popup which opens on slection of File, eg. has
anti-aliased fonts, but the spellchecker window has not).
Do I miss some package ? I don't have dependency check
when buiding from source...