Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Lohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Daniel> Nevertheless: It would be nice to have them for style
> Daniel> selections, menu entries and simple dialogs (if the OK action
> Daniel> of a dialog yields a single LFUN).
> Did you try style selection and menu entries?

I see...

I have to apologize. I am drumming for a feature that has been present
for years -- at least since LyX 1.3.3, the oldest version I found on my
system. LyX shows the related keyboard shortcuts in the status bar.

Why the heck I never noticed this? Maybe this is an indicator that
tool-tips would do better to achieve user-awareness. But maybe it has to
be considered as an indicator that the user (me) was a bit dumb :-o


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