Hi all, Im writing my thesis right now in Lyx 1.44 for OSX. I have gotten most of the formatting issues figured out( I am using the standard report class with nothing fancy really) but there are a few minor things that I need to work out.(I have no LaTex experience so the easier the better...) I am making my approval page for the thesis and I cant figure out how to make a solid horiz. line for the prof to sign on. ie (signature here) (signature here) ------------- -------------- Prof Blah Blah Prof Blah 2
etc. How can I create these solid lines? Secondly, I had almost all my numbering correct for pages(using thispageblank for the first page of a section or chapter) but I cant get any of these rules to apply to the bibliography and the first page of list of figures. How can I have the bib show up in the TOC and also have it not have a number on its first page, but then be numbered on the remaining pages? Thanks alot!