
Thanks LyXWinstaller worked very well with no need for adjustments


On 2/23/07, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Osman Al-Radi schrieb:

> I am working with Lyx 1.4.3-5 on Windows XP. I created a CV using the
> document class curriculum vitae from the menu document>settings>class.
> I checked the tools>TeX information menu and cv.cls is present ! but in
> document>settings>class menu it is listed as "unavailable" !

The cv.cls needed for LyX is different from the one that is shipped with
the LaTeX-package "cv".

To solve the problem:
- copy the cv.cls you find in LyX's installation subfolder \Resources\tex
somewhere to your LaTeX
installation, e.g. to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex or wherever
MiKTeX is installed.
- open MiKTeX's Options (available in Windows' startmenu) and press there
the button "refresh FNDB"
- reconfigure LyX (menu Tools -> Reconfigure)

When you install LyX using this installer:

This all is done automatically for you.

regards Uwe

Osman O. Al-Radi, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Fellow, Cardiovascular Surgery
The Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto, Canada

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