
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote (20.2.2007):
> I do appreciate your help, but I can't send you a more than 400
> reference-file If you are a native speaker (somebody else?), could
> you just tell me what you would answer in the PUNCTUATION BETWEEN
> SECTIONS (BLOCKS) case if you want a result like this one:
>     Somers, D., Devlin, P. and Kay, S. (1998) Phytochromes and
> cryptochromes in the entrainment of the Arabidopsis circadian clock.
> Science 282,
> (*) \newblock after blocks (periods or new lines with openbib option)
> (c) Comma between blocks
> (s) Semi-colon between blocks
> (b) Blanks between blocks
> (t) Period after titles of articles, books, etc else commas
> (u) Colon after titles of articles, books, etc else commas
> (a) Period after titles of articles else commas
> (d) Colon after titles of articles else commas
>   Select: ????? Wolfgang????
> The example is correct, except that the first line should start left
> and the next line(s -if more) should be indented
> I do not understand what blocks mean here, and is period here a dot?

A "Block" refers to elements belonging together, i.e. the name(s) of the 
author(s) form a block. A period is a "."

The problem with Your example is that You would like to have a space 
after the authors block and a period after the title block. makebst 
cannot cope with several block separators, so You have to edit the .bst 
file manually. I could take a look on the .bst file You have created if 
You mail it to me.

BTW, if You send a P(rivate)M(ail) to me with the .bst file attached, 
please list all wishes the style should fulfill. And you can use 
German, too.

Kind regards

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