What is the current approach to importing Word documents to LyX? I don't want to do anything fancy. I have some very poorly formatted Word docs (working docs not for publication) and I have found that simply cutting and pasting the text into LyX and doing a bit of formatting can save me a lot of frustration trying to read poorly laid out pages.
My problem is that I am getting a ? for " (curly quotes) and for some other things like an em-dash or the Greek letter pi. . It looks like an encoding problem but I don't see how to approach it since I don't see how to check what encoding LyX is using, nor Word's encoding. I also seem to be getting an occasional empty box for a subscript in an equation but I can live with that since it is better to re- enter the few equations with Lyx for better formatting anyway. Other things like headings etc I can easily redo in a few minutes but finding and replacing the ?' is a pain. Any suggestions? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com