Is there any website where I could transform from tex to another formats?
Configuring Lyx/LaTeX related stuff seems me a pain in the ass.

2007/2/9, Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 2/9/07, Levente Zsíros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got exportation issues. I couldn't export to HTML or .odt, only to
> or LaTeX.

I think tex4ht with miktex is broken (or tex4ht is generally broken).
Last time I tried, tex4ht can not convert a simple tex file to
openoffice format, with missing main XML file, and an error message
like zip command is not found. odt format is a zipped XML file.
tex4ht depends on a system zip utility to zip its output. I do not
know where to get a zip executable though.


Zsíros Levente

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