In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote.
LyX for Windows, latest Alpha release (1.5.0svn)
If I want to view a document as HTML (View -> HTML) I have to first go
to Preferences and delete 'originaldir,needaux' from the 'LaTeX (plain)
-> HTML', 'Extra flag:' box.
Would it be possible for new Alpha versions to be shipped without these
extra flags so that View -> HTML would work out of the box?
Sure, but then Export->HTML would be broken, take a look at bug #643
The question seems still open...
But the thing is that with these two flags in place Export -> HTML
stalls. Take them out and it works fine; after a some disk activity up
pops the HTML file in Firefox (my default browser).
Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England