>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Litt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Steve> Hi all, In my book created with the Book document class, I have
Steve> a four item bullet list in environment Itemize. It pagebreaks
Steve> after the second item, and even more lame than that, the next
Steve> page is consumed with a graphic float, so the reader has to
Steve> skip 2 pages to see the other two items.

There is probably a way to make the stick together, but then you will
probably have whitespace of bad formatting on the page. What I do in
such cases is keep the problem for when the text is completely
finished and then think about how I could move a few sentences around
until it works :)

Steve> Within my layout file, is there a simple way I can modify the
Steve> Itemize environment so it tries hard not to break in the
Steve> middle?

You can probably add \nopagebreak as ERT in the relevant items. I
never tried it myself.

The TeX FAQ has an interesting discussion on the subject:


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