Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Hello LyXTesters,

I published a new version with LyX1.5.0alpha from 04-02-2007:


This is mainly a bugfix release to the bug I accidentally introduced in the last release from 01-02-2007.

Ok, I've just installed it:
- PDFViewWin8 is still the program one set for viewing pdfs
- PDFViewWin7 still crashes
- The first ctrl-m spits 4 error lines in the console (already mentioned, I'll open a bug for this) - I cannot open the help files. I have the same errors mentioned in this thread (unicodedata related). I do not have python installed, except with LyX, Inkscape and OOo directories. - pdf updating does nothing. pdf viewing only give and up-to-date pdf if the old instance of the document is closed before generation.

Best regards,


PS: I found some unicodedata.py[ cd] on the web and on my HD (inkscape, OOo). Where should I drop them in LyX directories to have it to be recognised ?

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