In a recent message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote.

some of you have already tested one of the development snapshot of LyX 1.5svn:

Could anybody who has LyX 1.5svn still on the system and use Acrobat 8/Adobe reader 8 please test out the following:

1. Copy this file to LyX's \bin folder:
and rename it to PDFViewWin8.exe

2. Start LyX

3. Open the User's Guide, go there to e.g. section 3 and add a charater

4. Press the toolbar button for viewing PDF

Adobe reader 8 should then be opened showing your file

5. delete the just added character and press the view PDF button again

Adobe reader should not crash and show the beginning of the file. In Adobe reader you can now turn back to the last shown PDF document part using the feature to go to the last view (via the corresponding button or the menu).

Does this work as I described it?

Hello Uwe,

Win XP-Pro, latest Alpha release of LyX for Windows, 1.5.0svn, Tue Jan 23-01-2007.

Everything works up to Step 5. After I delete the character I added and press the view-PDF button, Adobe Reader crashes with the following message:

"Adobe Reader 8.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Are there any logs or anything else that you'd like?


Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England

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