In a recent message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeremy C. Reed
Any ideas on how to get a horizontal rule before every section unless at
top or bottom of page?
Hi Jeremy, do you mean something like the attached file? I'm not sure if
the spacing would suit you, though. If you want to do this, the way to
do it is by means of \hrule in a TeX box (ERT). The secret is this, at
the very end of the previous section type Ctrl-Return and then open up a
TeX box and insert '\hrule' (without the quotes) into it.
Nick Hopton and Anne Hopton
Caversham, Reading, England
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\author "Nick Hopton"
\begin_layout Title
A few notes for Cathy and Laurie
\begin_layout Date
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Standard
This is just a quick guide to using the TV, radio, DVD, satellite receiver
and the Squeezebox, but we'll leave all of the instruction books as well.
In my usual way, I've made it all sound more complicated than it actually
is, so don't worry, there is nothing you can do to harm this kit by pressing
the wrong buttons.
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Section*
Television and Freeview box (FV)
\begin_layout Standard
The TV has a 26-inch wide-screen and is HD ready.
For normal viewing this is fed by a SCART lead with signals from the Freeview
Freeview is a digital terrestrial system that carries all of the BBC and
commercial channels.
In Figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:AV-equipment"
the Freeview box is marked `FV'.
\begin_layout Standard
The TV has a built-in analogue tuner but we don't use this, the digital
Freeview box connects to the TV and gives us all of the locally available
TV channels, in better quality than that provided by analogue signals.
A list of Freeview channels is available here:
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Standard
We'll leave the television set up for Freeview, that way all you'll need
to do is turn on the TV and the Freeview box.
Neither of these boxes have buttons on the front, they are both controlled
by remotes which are pretty much standard and don't need much explaining.
On rare occasions the Freeview box crashes; if it does this all you have
to do is turn it, and the TV, off at the mains for a few seconds and then
turn them back on again.
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\begin_layout Section*
Satellite receiver (SR)
\begin_layout Standard
The satellite receiver is for free-to-air TV and radio broadcasts, it doesn't
do Sky or any other subscription services.
We feed the audio output of the satellite box into the amplifier (AMP)
and listen to radio this way, mainly the BBC, but the satellite box will
also bring in about 600 other European radio channels, including those
from the mainstream European broadcasters, in fair quality (as an alternative
to BBC Radio-3, for example, we sometimes listen to
\emph on
France Musiques
\emph default
\emph on
Bayern-4 Klassik
\emph default
\begin_layout Standard
The satellite box also brings in about a 800 European TV channels, most
of them rubbish, but including all of the BBC channels, as well as the
those of the mainstream French, German, Italian, Spanish and other European
There is a small dish in the back garden that moves automatically to point
at the satellite broadcasting the required channel.
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DVD player (DVD)
\begin_layout Standard
Very simple! All it does is play DVDs in the usual way.
It will also play CDs.
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\begin_layout Section*
Squeezebox (SB)
\begin_layout Standard
Don't panic! The Squeezebox is a little box that connects to the amplifier
on the hi-fi and it communicates by wi-fi with our wireless ADSL router.
What this means is that we can listen to any radio station anywhere in
the world that streams audio on the Internet.
You can read about what it can do on the Squeezebox site at:
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Standard
It might be handy for keeping in touch with the news from back home.
\begin_layout Standard
The Squeezebox can be controlled from the PC, but it will also work with
the PC turned off, using something called
\emph on
\emph default
I honestly don't know where to begin explaining the Squeezebox, it would
probably be best to start by playing with it and having a look at the web
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\begin_layout Section*
The SCART switcher
\begin_layout Standard
The Freeview box, satellite box and the DVD player connect to a SCART switcher
which you can just see lurking behind the TV in Figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:Overview"
This only has three buttons that you have to worry about, numbered 1, 2
and 3.
To watch Freeview press in Button 1.
To watch satellite press in Button 2.
To watch a DVD press in Button 3.
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Standard
There are several ordinary FM radios dotted about the house, but when we're
listening to anything serious we normally use the satellite box, which
is connected to the amplifier (AMP).
The selector knob on the amplified needs to set to `Tuner' for this to
You don't need the TV to be on to listen to radio, though this helps when
selecting channels and finding your way round to start with.