Steve Litt wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 January 2007 12:41, José Matos wrote:
>>> But I do hope that some day (in lyx 1.5 perhaps?)  there will be a nice
>>> gui to customize styles/layouts in LyX. that will be so easy to use so
>>> that even a person that never have used LyX can use it and create stuff
>>> so beautiful that it would put MS Word and OO out of business.
>>   The project is not difficult at all, but it never motivated any developer
>> as to make it a reality.
>>   Notice that another option would be to use some kind of language to
>> generate the layout files. :-)
> What kind of language? Could you elaborate?
I take it that what Jose has in mind is some sort of simple language
that would be used to describe a layout file from which one could then
be generated. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to write a script that
would ask all the right questions. This could even be a web-based
application that would spit out a layout file when it was done.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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