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It would appear that on Jan 8, Helge Hafting did say:

> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > Question 1 of 3
> > 
> > Why is the header/footer suppressed on page 1? That is how can I get
> > headers and/or footers to output on the first page???

 - - - - - - - - -< s n i p >- - - - - - - - - -

> Usually, \thispagestyle{fancy} will do the trick though.
> Make sure you put this ERT somewhere on the page you want changed.

Thanks for the prompt reply and the informative suggestion. However I
get an error message when I try this. 

 - - - - - - - - -< s n i p >- - - - - - - - - -

Ok, now I feel stupid: I'll confess I was trying to insert it to the 
filename.lyx file with vim... {Possible if I understood how, but...}
I strongly dislike controlling my software via the mouse so I never
noticed that the TeX icon had help text referring to the unfamiliar term
Evil Red Text. And so didn't yet understand the function of "M-i t" or
"C-l" key bindings.

Which I'll admit is a lot easier than using vim to put all this:

\begin_inset ERT
status Open

\layout Standard


Just to get this ERT:


 - - - - - - - - -< s n i p >- - - - - - - - - -

> > Question 3 of 3
> > 
> > Is there a list of {key words?} that can be used to insert values into
> > header/footers such as
> > 
> > /thepage   current output page number
> > /today     Today's date
> > etc...

> Sure, any latex reference manual should do.  Also, search
> the web. The LyX homepage have some pointers.

So using the acronym you used above as a guide, I'm guessing I
might find what I'm looking for if I google:

latex ERT

Still haven't found a useful "list" yet But it was during this search
that I tripped over instructions to use the TeX icon to insert ERTs 
so I'm glad I went there...

I'd still like to find a good index/list of values that can be inserted
to the header, footer (and/or I suspect inside the document body via
ERTs) But you've given me enough to make me sure that I can use lyx for
most of my writing needs. Now I can focus mostly on my writing,
confident that I'll like letting lyx take care of MOST of the
typesetting details...

Thanks again Helge!


   #gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 0x6C2163DE#
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|    ^^^   ^^^      
|    <o>   <o>        Guess I just didn't know.
|        ^          Joseph (the Wordy) Philbrook
|       ___                 J(tWdy)P             
|                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
|      <sigh>       

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