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It would appear that on Jan 8, Helge Hafting did say:

> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > Question 1 of 3
> > 
> > Why is the header/footer suppressed on page 1? That is how can I get
> > headers and/or footers to output on the first page???

> Because you changed the "page style" for normal pages,
> and the first page isn't normal in this case.

Yeah that figures...

> Usually, the first page is either a chapter page (if
> your document style support chapters) or a title
> page. Lyx does not suppot changing the chapter/title
> page styles directly.  You may use ERT
> to set \chapterpagestyle to fancy if you wish.
> Note that some document styles don't use
> chapterpagestyle or titlepagestyle, they have other ways.
> Usually, \thispagestyle{fancy} will do the trick though.
> Make sure you put this ERT somewhere on the page you want changed.

Thanks for the prompt reply and the informative suggestion. However I
get an error message when I try this. As it happens the document I used
to try to do this with says:
\textclass letter

But when I try to insert either chapterpagestyle or thispagestyle
by, for example, changing this:
\layout Opening

Dear Jim,
\layout Standard

Well Hello Jim.

To this:
\layout Opening

Dear Jim,
\layout Standard


Well Hello Jim.

What I get on opening the doc with lyx is An error pop-up that says:

"Textclass Loading Error!"

"Encountered unknown token
When reading" [filename]

Since the only place in my document's control codes I see braces "{}"
I also tried:
\thispagestyle fancy
With the same results (sigh!)

Any other suggestions?

> > Question 2 of 3
> > 
> > Evidently "\rhead{Page \thepage}" yields: "Page $currentpage"
> > But how would I get "Page $currentpage of $pagecount"???
> > 
> > That is "page 1 of 3", "page 2 of 3", "Page 3 of 3" etc...

> Simple approach: put a label at the end of the document.
> Then, use a reference to that label for getting the last page number.
> There are also latex packages for doing this sort of thing, but no
> support in LyX. Try this in the preamble:
> \lhead{My pagenumber: \thepage{} of \pageref{last}}

\size huge
\size default

This seams to work as long as I use the exact label name I put at the
end of the document in my case that's:
\lhead{My pagenumber: \thepage{} of \pageref{LastPage}}

> > Question 3 of 3
> > 
> > Is there a list of {key words?} that can be used to insert values into
> > header/footers such as
> > 
> > /thepage   current output page number
> > /today     Today's date
> > etc...

> Sure, any latex reference manual should do.  Also, search
> the web. The LyX homepage have some pointers.

So using the acronym you used above as a guide, I'm guessing I
might find what I'm looking for if I google:

latex ERT

Worth a try anyway.

Thanks again!

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