On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 07:19:20PM +0100, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> lamikr wrote:
> >And as I see the Lyx editor anyway as a smart code editor for Latex,  I
> >would not think it being against the WYSIWYM principles Lyx try to
> >follow if it would allow writers to set some more "air" to their text in
> >the editor side. Instead I see that Lyx would just came smarter than
> >normal editors as it would allow the writing of latex "source code" in
> >Lyx editor a more flexible way while still guarantee the coherent output
> >
> >
> >and that could actually be a
> >
> >
> >            KILLER      FEATURE
> >
> >
> >for some more artistic persons than I to assist them to get their
> >keyboard, ideas and text fly faster than the screen can scroll :-)
> PS: this kind of discussion is best suited to the users' list. Please 
> continue that there (and don't reply to all).

Actually I remember there was (and still is in mathed) the feature that
multiple presses of space cycle through different space widths. The same
could be done for vertical space. I don't think this would go against
the LyX philosophy, and might make Mika happy.

- Martin

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